NATO and the EU have blood on their hands...

NATO and the EU have blood on their hands...
Photo by Robert Anasch / Unsplash

I have just watched this lecture by the renowned American political scientist John Mearsheimer.This lecture is from 2015 and is based on his seminal 2014 article titled, "Why the Ukraine Crisis Is the West’s FaultThe Liberal Delusions That Provoked Putin." call this man an expert on foreign relations is an understatement, I am in awe of his expertise in this area.In this lecture from 7 years ago, he has accurately predicated, almost blow by blow, the tragic situation we find ourselves in today.Not to condone Russia's actions, but the EU and NATO should hang their heads in shame for setting the stage for this war, it has been several years in the making.Rather than creating a neutral Ukraine that would benefit from both European and Russian economic integration, they forced Ukraine to picks sides, they have well and truly been led down the garden path.I urge anyone with a passing interest in this area to watch and or read this lecture, and to see how this could easily have been prevented.Time and time again, we see huge foreign policy blunders made by the US, perhaps this time the whole idea was to deliberately ignore Russia's security concerns and force them into a corner.Why the world is hell bent on perpetual confrontation I will never know.......