If you play your cards right

If you play your cards right
I think overall, this photoshoot worked out quite well.

I had casually asked my friend sometime ago if he would like to model for me. I thought it would give him some free professional photos and would also help me out in practising my craft.

Thankfully he said yes!

I didn't particularly have a set look in mind, although I knew I wanted to use my Neewer RGB light/soft box combo as a single light source. I asked my friend to perhaps bring a suit with him, or a variety of clothes. He did turn up in a suit, and to be honest, it was a great choice of outfit and really gave the shoot a nice classy vibe.

I'm constantly amazed by the quality of the Fuji 33mm f1.4 prime.

I then had another thought towards the end of the shoot...why don't I give him my beloved Fedora hat to try. Again, this turned out to be a great move, as it added another layer of depth to the photos. I gave him some cards and money to use as props, and this worked out OK I think.

I used my Fuji 33mm f.14 prime, set at f 2.8, shutter speed at 1/140s ISO at 3200. I probably could have lit the shot better, and I've not quite got round to using flash in my photography as yet.

I used a grid and I realised in post that it cast a bit of a vignette on the shot that I did't realise. I probably will just use a normal diffuser going forward in order to maximise the light, unless I'm going for a specific look that needs more directed light.

I used the Fuji monochrome Film simulation.

Overall, I was fairly pleased with the outcome of the shoot, bearing in mind that I've hardly done anything like this before. My ultimate dream would be to have a variety of people to work with in the future. I love photography in general, and I'm not one of these people who think that you should stick to just one type of photography. Pure nonsense. Just take photos. Of what ever the hell you like!